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FANDUMB came about after the creation of a fake newsletter for a particularly dopey Atlanta SF club, complete with bogus meeting information, fake classified ads, "warnings" about "pranksters," and Star Trek fan art by "Billy Age 5." It was thought that producing a false version of MOCK's "Fandom" would be easy and fun. And it was!

Written over the course of one evening and at least one six-pack, the text was then rendered into column form with wildly varying fonts, font sizes, and deliberate creative spelling errors. The finished type was then cut-and-pasted along with altered photos from actual issues of "Fandom," random clip art, and photos from sources like a 1955 Encyclopedia Britannica and a book entitled "The Encyclopedia Of Bad Taste." These paste-ups were taken to an available photocopier and soon 100 copies of "Fandumb" were ready for distribution, just in time for MOCK's first downtown Atlanta show.

As it happens, Atlanta's other convention Dragoncon was sponsoring a room party at this MOCK, which caused flipouts and enraged reactions on the part of MOCK staff. The distribution of "Fandumb" at this MOCK added fuel to the drama fire, and it was widely assumed by MOCK that "Fandumb" was the work of Dragoncon. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH - Dragoncon had nothing whatsoever to do with "Fandumb" in any way, shape, or form, and the creators of "Fandumb" resent their hard work being overshadowed by mere convention feuding.

(Note: "Mr. Rook" was fond of referring to himself as the OFMIC (old fat man in charge), hence the otherwise confusing use of the term "OPHUCK" herein.)

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